Yong Zhao

Every Child is a Rudolph Yong Zhao believes that we all have a little bit of Rudolph in us – shiny red noses that set us apart and need to be developed. In this funny, entertaining, and poignant talk, Dr. Zhao explains the reasons teachers need to focus on developing children’s strengths instead of trying…
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Jaap Versfelt

Why Some Schools Become Great and Others Don’t According to Jaap, the education system needs a major remake: teachers must get more involved in the process of change, so that innovation can occur and schools improve. In this interesting, relevant, and conclusive talk, Jaap talks about how to transform an outdated education system and what…
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Sandra van Aalderen

Teachers, Know Your Brain! Knowledge about the brain and learning is essential if we want to convince teachers to use more active learning strategies, a rich learning environment, stimulate curiosity, or deeper thinking. It is the first step in teacher professional development aiming for 21st century education. In this informative, interesting and factual talk, Sandra…
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Jan de Lange

Curious Minds, Serious Play  Research has shown that it is necessary to facilitate the development of children’s minds toward logical reasoning, creative problem solving and out-of-the box thinking. In this entertaining, thought-provoking talk, Jan de Lange shows us how stimulated play gives parents and educators the opportunity to play a vital role in this process…
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Ingrid van Rossum

Changing the Face of Education How can practical education in the future look? And how can vocational students take their education into their own hands? Ingrid van Rossum has a vision and a dream to share in this down-to-earth, practical and engaging talk about a new way of learning through doing. Ingrid van Rossum believes…
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